Celebrating CNVC Certification
After approximately 10 years, I have finally achieved certification with the Centre for Non Violent Communication in the USA! It was a long road for me because I travelled quite a lot during those 10 years, living in New Zealand, Newcastle, Jakarta, and Bali, so establishing myself as a trainer was a challenge, and also, I suffered with anxiety and was lacking in confidence with public speaking. I think that being a stay-at-home mum for many years, also contributed to a low self-esteem, and a difficulty seeing myself as having anything worthy to share. It changed for me after attending a Dynamic Facilitation workshop with Robin Clayfield at Crystal Waters in Queensland. That week long training helped me to realise that I could bring all of myself to my teaching, including my love of colour and play. I decided then to create learning experiences that were fun for me to deliver as well as fun for my students. I am very grateful for all of my colleagues and friends, students and clients who have supported my learning along the way. I am delighted to call myself a Certified Trainer, to join the community of certified trainers around the globe, and to share Marshall Rosenberg’s transformational work.