60th Birthday Antarctic cruise
In January my husband Michael and I travelled to Antarctica to celebrate my 60th Birthday. We went on a Viking Expedition cruise, it was our first cruise, and was a fabulous adventure. We had a team of scientists on board who gave lectures on wildlife, geology, and weather, we saw many hump back whales, seals, and penguins. On my birthday while having dinner, we saw 8 whales in total, splashing about right outside our restaurant window. For me, by far the most spectacular viewing was the frozen landscapes, the glaciers, mountains, and ice-bergs. It was delightful canoeing and taking zodiac rides around the ice floes and landing ashore to walk around and view the wildlife. Turning 60 has had quite an impact on my attitude to life, and has had me make some decisions regarding my living arrangements which I will speak about in the next Blog…..