What people are saying about Bridget:
“Bridget has incorporated NVC into her daily life, with herself and her family, creating a more balanced, fulfilling and heart filled inner life. Her command of the NVC concepts and their practical applications, and her ability to share them, coupled with empathic and natural self-awareness, help to create a nurturing environment that allows people to safely explore their lives and inner processes.”
Bob Z. Chiropractor
“Thanks Bridget, your passion and knowledge of NVC was so apparent and a key part of why the team was so engaged and enthusiastic. The course was great preparation for the team both mentally and practically ahead of undertaking the really challenging work of knocking on hundreds of doors to discuss and seek feedback on our projects. I would totally recommend the course to anyone who values effective communication.”
Ben P. General Manager
“I do recommend this course! It makes communication so much easier as you work out, easily, why you are upset or help others work out why they’re upset. You then have a very simple process to work through. This really helps with sorting stuff out!! Go on, do yourself, your loved ones, family, friends and neighbours a favour and do this course. It’s fun too. Bridget made me feel so comfortable and able to ask for clarification if I needed this explained in a different way. I felt really safe and valued in the small group.”
Jacqui G. CEO
“Bridget, Rebecca and I both found value in the sessions we had with you last year and were interested in continuing to see you. We both hope that your NVC couples coaching is blessing others and wanted to encourage you that we think what you are offering is quite powerful and helpful. We really value your vulnerability and honesty and how you held the space in your home.”
Nigel Z.
“Bridget, I’m so happy that your work and your offerings are out in the world. What I love about what you do is that there is so much training behind what you offer, so much experience, and you really live your life aligned with what you offer. You embody it. There is so much strength in that, it’s very genuine and beautifully real. And, for me, stands out as your point of difference. The world is a better place because of you and the work you are sharing.”
Thea M.
“Bridget is a great facilitator who provides a safe and engaging environment to learn and practice the art of NVC. I felt assured when she presented us with the steps laid out on a walk on mat, because it really met my need for clarity. This course lead to a real and significant shift in my relationship. Where before an issue would explode into conflict, we are able to apply NVC and cut straight to the core of the true feelings and the unmet needs. Sometimes we can emerge feeling even more connected than before, which is a truly enriching experience. It's a powerful tool that's already making real positive change in my relationship. Thank you”
Josh M.
“The workshops have already helped me feel calmer internally in tense situations which is so helpful.”
Andy V.
“Thank you so much for your generous sharing of the Restorative Circles material with us over the weeks. I found it really good to see the use of the NVC work that I had been looking at with the online Compassion Course in another context, but with you actually using the "pattern" in a real life setting. I appreciated the way you got the hoola hoops set up to visually represent the 5 circles and process, and using the different props and cards, really worked for me to comprehend what you were wanting to share. Until then I don't think I really understood how much I understand through learning visually rather than conceptually!! I can see that there are opportunities for using the essence of what the restorative circles are about within my family settings! Thank you again so much for the care in which you have prepared the sessions and your interest and passion for this work of NVC.”
Anne W.
An acknowledgement from the NVC training for women -
“This training was extremely helpful. The previous one I did with Bridget where my husband came, was life and relationship changing. This woman’s retreat allowed me to go to a deeper level of discovery and courage. Bridget as the facilitator was, it appeared to me, reading the needs of the attendees well and adapting her style to meet the depth of openness and vulnerability shared amongst the women. This was a gift to us all, I believe, as I wonder If such depth and trust would have been present in a more formal facilitation style. I am very grateful for the flow that Bridget demonstrated and encouraged as it met my need for safety and connection even allowing me to share and acknowledge needs that I had not been courageous to acknowledge before. The circle around the fire was a sacred and special experience for me. To share in holding space for each other with respect and care as we released strategies that were not serving us well was truly amazing. Thank you for your courage, honesty and vulnerability. With gratitude, Angela.”