Wanting to be Loved
I’ve been busy in my life being angry that people don’t love me enough, and recently, I discovered that the truth is….I haven’t been loving myself. I realise I have been expecting others to love me; that is, giving my power away to others, holding a hidden demand that they “should”love me. Looking outwards instead of inwards, to see what it is I am longing for, and to identify my precious needs, and then take steps to meet my needs. Be that, making a request of someone else, or getting into action myself. This occurs to me as a much more powerful way to behave. This way I am the one calling the shots so to speak, I am standing in my power and taking action. Whenever I hold an expectation of another, I am likely to be disappointed, and will tend to blame someone else. When I take responsibility for my need for love, life is much more wonderful for me and for my significant others.