Combining NVC and Family Constellation work
A simple practice to support relaxation & reduce stress
I wanted to share with you all something I spontaneously did today that brought me great relaxation and ease. I was lying on the table waiting for my GP to do a biopsy on a suspicious mole on my leg - not a favourite activity! To help myself focus on relaxing my muscles and staying calm, I visualised all of his ancestors behind him, supporting him to do a precise and careful job, and immediately I felt a somatic response throughout my body. A letting go into trust and faith. Then I imagined all of my ancestors around me watching over me, loving me, and again I felt more relaxed and peaceful. It really helped me to lie still and let go of my tension and muscular guarding, and I imagine that my stillness and calm was helpful for the doctor to concentrate on the job, and for me to experience less pain.
Here I used my experience with both Nonviolent Communication and Family Constellation work to support me during a potentially stressful and painful experience, allowing me to trust the doctor and relax my body to facilitate a more enjoyable experience.